Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This new little man has stolen my heart. His name is Harley and he belongs to my new roommate Lynzie. It is so fun. I get to enjoy all the perks of having a puppy without any of the responsibility. Yesterday I was home with a migraine and he slept in my lap all day. How can you resist that cute face? Ask Cindy and Kelli... you can't!

Having Lynzie is a huge blessing! It was so nice to find a roommate quickly this time. She is awesome and we get along really well.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Your friend is someone who knows all about you,
and still likes you." - Elbert Hubard

Happy Birthday Kelli!

Love you, Mean it!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ok, ok!! I have been harrased into blogging. LOL!

What do I have on my mind my faithful reader(s) ask... I feel like that is a loaded question. I have a lot on my mind for some reason. I think this is due to the fact that since December I feel like I have been running a marathon. There has been so much that has happened in my life. Since December my Dad has been in and out of the hospital twice, my uncle was in the hospital for 28 days, my nephew Gavin was born, I had a new roomie move in and then 3 months later move out, my Mom's step-dad passed away, I got a new dog, and and just last week I had another new roomie move in.

So ya...this is all going on above and beyond my regular, day to day, life with work and stuff. I am so thankful for my friends and family that have been there for me when I have been really stressed. I don't know what I would do without them.

So here I am...back to the blogging world with not to much to say. I will, however, leave you with a picture of my two adorable nephews. Feel free to be jealous of how blessed I am to have them in my life!

Tristan & Shrek
