Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This new little man has stolen my heart. His name is Harley and he belongs to my new roommate Lynzie. It is so fun. I get to enjoy all the perks of having a puppy without any of the responsibility. Yesterday I was home with a migraine and he slept in my lap all day. How can you resist that cute face? Ask Cindy and Kelli... you can't!

Having Lynzie is a huge blessing! It was so nice to find a roommate quickly this time. She is awesome and we get along really well.


The Bock 10 (Yes, ten) said...

Gosh he's so freaking cute, I just want to eat him up.....ahhh!
Wook at dat ffffaaaacccceeee!

Lindsey said...

Has Lynze (sp?) had any luck on the job front? :-)

and, yes...the puppy is TOO cute!!!!

Lindsey said...

Yes! She started on Monday. So glad. :-)

Danielle said...

Awwwe! He looks sweet! Sounds like a good lap dog ;) I had a migraine yesterday too, (maybe it had something to do with barometric pressure or something?) and my kitty snuggled up with me; pets are great for that extra bit of comfort you need sometimes.

running shoes said...

i know it's been said, but it bares repeating... he is so adorable and fits nicely in the middle cup holder ...Excellent!

kelly said...

Fun!!! Dogs (esp. snuggly ones) are the best. I love a good waggly tail when I come home.